Outdated Professions: 17 Dead-End Careers Set to Vanish in the Upcoming Decade

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Everyone understands artificial intelligence (AI) will replace humans in the workforce.

The extent of the impact is something we do not yet know.

Experts predict that by 2030, AI will replace 30% of labor, however that number may rise.

It makes reasonable that dead-end jobs would be the first to be targeted.

Superb machine learning is an amazing technology that can and will be used in a wide range of manual professions across the globe.

These 17 positions might not exist in ten years.

1. Watchmakers

Fewer individuals are wearing traditional timepieces as smartwatches gain popularity among people of all ages, especially millennials and Gen Zers.

To stay up to date with trends, even the most prestigious luxury brands use digital elements.

Their digital nature eliminates the requirement for a watch repair specialist.

2. Cashiers

Self-checkout systems have been implemented by many retail businesses, reducing the need for checkout cashiers.

Instead, a person or two are stationed at each store to oversee the self-checkout and offer assistance as needed.

Even though the public may have first opposed the introduction of automated checkouts, they are gradually making their way into many establishments, one by one, so consumers will eventually become accustomed to using them.

3. Stockers for warehouses

AI advancements will reduce the necessity for warehouse stockers.

All of the mundane duties in a warehouse, such as picking, sorting, and inventory management, will be completed by sophisticated AI robots.

Businesses will save money and experience fewer instances of human mistake.

4. Machine Assemblers

Robots can do the repetitive, boring task of machine assembly more accurately and efficiently than humans.

Machine assemblers might be among the 20 million jobs that robots replace by 2030, according to a report by Oxford Economics.


Fast Food Worker .

Robotic chefs are already becoming more common in automated kiosks and fast-food establishments.

In addition to providing effective customer service, robots may also prepare, cook, and serve food.

Fast food outlets may go completely automated in the next ten years as AI voice recognition advances.

6. Confirmation readers

The ability of AI writing and editing tools to review written content is growing.

For example, Grammarly can evaluate passive voice, squint modifiers, style, and more. It can also position the Oxford comma.

Tone and style can be detected by certain AI writing programs.

7. Textile Employees

AI will replace a large number of factory workers globally, including those who work in textiles.

High-quality cutting and stitching jobs can be completed by computer-controlled equipment around-the-clock without the need for overtime compensation or a lunch break.

As cost-effective robots become more accessible, textile workers will be replaced by organizations seeking to cut expenses.


E-books lessen the environmental impact.

They are easier to store and more handy.

Hardcover, paperback, and digital books are available from online retailers like Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

These bookstores may eventually switch to selling just digital versions of books.

A computerized library would prevent thousands of trees from being destroyed each year, but it would also make librarians unemployed.

9. Mail Sorters

While the postal service puts a lot of effort into sorting mail, AI sorting devices may eventually take the role of human labor.

These intelligent devices may monitor delivery, sort mail, and notify recipients as needed.

People are moving away from paper-based correspondence, such as monthly bank statements, and toward electronic mail instead.

10. Direct mailers or Telemarketers

The demanding nature and tedium of telemarketing work often result in a high employee turnover rate.

Sophisticated AI has the ability to automate the procedure and replace sales calls.

Algorithms have the capacity to learn how to evaluate client data and close deals like seasoned pros.

By “hiring” AI to market their goods and services, businesses might see a higher return on investment (ROI) and reduce costs.

11. Translators

Artificial Intelligence-based translating systems are replacing human-only translation services.

AI is able to handle intricate translations across multiple languages with machine learning.

There will be less demand for human translators as technology develops.

12. Toll Plaza Operators

As AI technology develops, automated toll collection booths will become obsolete.

There are more than 53 million E-ZPass electronic toll collection terminals operating throughout 19 states thanks to this popular technology.

Automated toll collecting is more efficient and can run continuously without human intervention.

13. Parking Warrant Officers

As smart parking devices take over for human parking spot monitoring, the days of parking enforcement officers may soon come to an end.

Reducing system management and human error could lower municipal budget expenses and redirect money to other activities.

14. Messengers

AI in emergency services and logistics may pose a danger to real-time tracking systems.

With machine learning, it can provide high-quality service more effectively than a human response team.

15. Workers in Data Entry

Jobs involving data entry might be among the first to replace human labor with AI.

Every organization needs accurate data entry, and AI systems can forecast high efficiency and accuracy rates.

16.Meter Readers

Human meter readers will soon be replaced by smart meters that read digital meters.

The data communication procedure is shortened by smart meters, which send precise data fast and immediately.

They will support businesses in cutting expenses while boosting productivity and accuracy.

17.Taxi Drivers

Thinking about getting into a taxi without a human driver is unimaginable, but it’s set to happen eventually.

Early adoption has already started in some larger cities, and self-driving cars will become the norm as the concept proves successful.

It will be interesting to see if successful taxi apps like Uber keep up with this new trend.

Change is inevitable.

It may seem alarming that AI could take over so many jobs, but there will be benefits with advancements in the work landscape as we know it today.

More people will upskill into roles AI cannot do, such as counseling and psychotherapy.

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